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OTel to Splunk Core and O11y

Auto-instrument a Java app to send trace and metric data to both Splunk Enterprise/Cloud & Splunk Observability Cloud, via OTel running in gateway mode.

This was initially set up for a POC where the host running the Java app could not have the OTel collector installed, hence the setup seen in the architecture diagram below.

Architecture diagram



  • Java app
  • Linux VM to be used as the OTel collector gateway
  • Splunk Cloud/Enterprise
  • Splunk Observability Cloud trial/license

Networking Ports

  • Splunk Cloud/Enterprise: 8088 (HEC endpoint)
  • VM for OTel Gateway: 4317 (OTLP gRPC endpoint for logs), 4318 (OTLP HTTP endpoint for cURL), 9943 (for metrics)

Last update: August 11, 2022